Not long after, I experienced a moment that was anything but
small—my Ph.D. hooding ceremony. The journey to that stage was long and
challenging, filled with late nights, countless hours of work, and the delicate
balance of raising two young children. It was a path paved with perseverance
and a commitment to the end goal, and as I stood there on that stage, the sense
of accomplishment was overwhelming. But what struck me most wasn't just the
achievement itself; it was the incredible support I received from my friends
and family.
Many of them traveled great distances to be there with me on
that special day. For some, attending the ceremony might have been just another
event on their calendar, but for me, their presence was a powerful display of
God’s love and faithfulness. Each person’s presence felt like a small light,
illuminating the path that God had laid out for me, reminding me that I was
never alone in my journey. These people represented more than just friends and
family; they were tangible reminders of the support system God had built around
me, a network of love that has carried me through both the small moments of
daily life and the monumental milestones.
These experiences, both the small and the significant, made
me reflect on how God, our Heavenly Father, works in our lives. He delights in
both the small and large blessings, showing up in ways we might not always
expect. Just like a father who finds joy in the smallest achievements of his
children, God takes pleasure in our lives—not just in the big moments, but in
every moment. He is the light that guides our way, the support that lifts us
when we’re weary, and the constant presence that assures us we are never alone.
This brings me to a powerful analogy: imagine being at the
Olympics, where the men’s basketball Dream Team competes for the gold medal.
Jesus, the star point guard, is leading the charge, effortlessly guiding the
team to victory. The crowd roars. The game is intense, and yet, in the midst of
it all, Jesus notices you in the stands. He sees you, and despite the
importance of the game, He stops everything. He points to you on the Jumbotron,
walks off the court, and comes right up to you. Then, He asks you to join His
team, to be part of the championship game.
This is how God sees us. In a world where there are
countless people and countless things that could demand His attention, He
chooses to focus on you and me. He delights in choosing us, not because of what
we’ve done, but because of who we are—His beloved children. He invites us into
His work, into His victories, both big and small. He wants us to be part of His
team, not as spectators, but as participants in His grand plan.
So, whether it’s through a free cup of coffee on a birthday,
the support of loved ones at a graduation, or the countless other small
blessings that fill our days, God is always present, always reaching out, and
always inviting us to join Him. He’s the Father who delights in us, who pursues
us with love and grace, and who invites us into His victory.
The next time something small and seemingly insignificant
happens, pause for a moment. Say a prayer of thanks, and remember that God is
speaking to you through that act. Just like Jesus stopping the game to pick you
for His Dream Team, God’s love is present in the big moments, yes, but it’s
also woven into the fabric of our everyday lives, in the small, quiet, and
sometimes unnoticed gestures that touch our hearts. He’s calling you, inviting
you, and delighting in you. Now I must ask this one paramount question - will
you join Jesus as a member of His Dream Team? He is waiting for you to join the
game we call life.
(Lisa and I pose with our Paw Patrol masks for Jace’s second birthday party.)
(Jace continually wants to drink from a plastic water bottle like a
regular adult. He often spills water in his attempts.)
(During naps, Jace regularly snuggles with the Nessie stuffed animal
that I bought him in Scotland this summer at Loch Ness.)
(While on vacation, Lisa and my family enjoyed the scenic views of Cincinnati,
Ohio atop the roof at New Riff Distillery.)
(The view from Eden Park Overlook in Cincinnati provides some amazing panoramic vantage points of the Ohio River and northern Kentucky.)
(While on vacation in Cincinnati this summer, Annabelle and I pose for a picture in the middle of an aquarium at the Newport Aquarium.)
(Lisa and Annabelle posed in front of the Museum City Center in Cincinnati, where the Children’s Museum is located.)
(While in Cincinnati, Jace enjoyed being held by his Uncle Joseph, Lisa’s brother.)
(I have been working on Annabelle’s active listening skills when she does not listen to Daddy.)
(I recently attended the Sister Hazel concert with my father, Jim, Jr., at the Bijou Theater in Knoxville, Tennessee. It was an excellent show!)
(Annabelle and Jace regularly try on Lisa’s shoes and walk around our
(Jace rode Clifford at Chuck-E-Cheese. We took Annabelle to the restaurant for her fourth birthday in August.)
(Lisa and I took Annabelle to see Despicable 4 at a theater in Knoxville that has an incredible arcade and two-story slide. Annabelle loves both the games and going down the slide.)

(I surprised Jace with a new ball and a stuffed Luigi, a character from the Super Mario Brothers game and movie. I won both prizes from claw machines at the previously mentioned theater arcade.)